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Kimberlites, orangeites and related rocks

Mitchell, Roger Howard

Kimberlites, orangeites and related rocks - 1st. ed - New York: Springer Science, c1995. - xiv, 410p. : ill. ; 24cm.

Includes bibliographic description and Index.

This book compare, contrast, and illustrate the mineralogy and petrology of archetypal kimberlites, also known as group I kimberlites, with those of the group of diamond-bearing rocks which, in this work, are termed “orangeites.” The latter rocks have previously been termed “micaceous kimberlites” or “group II kimberlites.” The discussion, in conjunction with detailed mineralogical studies described in Chapter 2, will demonstrate conclusively that kimberlites and orangeites cannot be derived from the same parental magma and thus are not genetically related.

9781461358220 = Earth Sciences

Earth Sciences
Kaapvaal Craton
Facies Rock
Autolithic Kimberlite Breccia
Kimberlite Breccia
Porphyritic Kimberlite

552 / MIT