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Open Access Resources

Open Access E-Books
Digital Library of India
E-Books Directory
ACLS Humanities E-Book
Brill Open Access
Digital Public Library of America
DOAB-Directory of Open Access Books
Getty Publications
Humanities Commons CORE: Open Access for the Humanities
Internet Archive Ebooks and Texts
JSTOR Open Access Ebooks
Lever Press Open Access
Library of Congress Open Access
Luminos - University of California Press
Open Book Publishers
Open Research Library
Project Gutenberg
The Digital Press at the University of North Dakota
University of Calgary Press
Bioline International
BioMed Central (BMC)
BMJ Open
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
PLoS Journals
PubMed Central
Indian Open Access e-Journals
Indian Journal of Science and Technology
International Journal of Computer Applications
Indian Journal of Physics
Indian Journal of Chemical Technology
Journal of the Indian Institute of Science
Delft Open Access
Open Australia
E-Print Archives
Eprint Web
PubMed Central
Indian Open Access Repositories
IGP-Open Access Repository
IIT Kanpur Open Repository
IIT Madras Eprints
IISc Archives
Open Research Data Repository
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Theses and Dissertations
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses
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MIT DSpace
NCSU Theses and Dissertations
Online Patent Database
Google Patents
WIPO Patentscope
USPTO Patent Full-Text and Image Database
European Patent Office
Japan Patent Office
Subject Gateways
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Smith College Subject Resources
Virginia Tech Subject Gateways
UC Berkeley Subject Resources
Open Courseware
MIT OpenCourseWare
Khan Academy
Nagoya University OpenCourseWare

Subject-wise Open Access Journals

Acta Physica Polonica A
Acta Physica Polonica B
Advances in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
Advanced Studies in Theoretical Physics
Abstract and Applied Analysis
Advances in Acoustics and Vibration
Advances in Condensed Matter Physics
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering
Advances in Mathematical Physics
Journal of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
Journal of Biophysics
Advances in Materials Physics and Chemistry
The African Review of Physics
AIP Advances
American Journal of Applied Sciences
Anadolu University Journal of Science and Technology –A Applied Sciences and Engineering
Applied Physics Research
Armenian Journal of Physics
Asian Journal of Scientific Research
Canadian Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences
Chinese Journal of Physics
Condensed Matter Physics
Electronic Journal of Theoretical Physics
Eurasian Journal of Physics and Chemistry Education
Europhysics News
Facta universitatis - series: Physics, Chemistry and Technology
Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics (IJPAP)
International Journal of Fundamental Physical Sciences
ISRN Thermodynamics
ISRN Optics
ISRN Mathematical Physics
ISRN Condensed Matter Physics
ISRN Biophysics
Journal of Modern Physics
Journal of Nano and Electronic Physics
The Journal of Physical Science
Journal of Physical Studies
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
The Open Chemical Physics Journal
The Open Applied Physics Journal
The Open Condensed Matter Physics Journal
Open Journal of Microphysics
Papers in Physics
Physical Review X
PMC Physics A
PMC Physics B
Pramana - Journal of Physics
Physics Research International
CERN Document Server
arXiv.org (Open access to 663,375 e-prints in Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Quant.Biology, and Statistics)
SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System
Open Access Publications by Indian Academy of Science (IAS), Bangalore
NIST Physical Constants Reference
Computer Science
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA)
International Journal of Computational Cognition
ITALICS, Innovation in Teaching And Learning in Information and Computer Sciences
International Journal of Information Systems and Telecommunication Engineering (IJISTE)
International Journal of Signal and Image Processing (IJSIP)
International Journal of Systems Control (IJSC)
International Journal of Universal Computer Sciences (IJUCS)
Journal of Modelling and Simulation of Systems (JMSS)
Turkish Journal Of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences
BVICAM's International Journal of Information Technology (BIJIT)
Annals. Computer Science Series
Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Advances in Human-Computer Interaction
Australasian Journal of Information Systems
International Journal of Information Technology (BIJIT)
CLEI Electronic Journal
Communications and Network
Computer and Information Science
Computer Science Master Research
Computer Software
IAENG International Journal of Computer Science
Engineering Letters
Information Technology Journal
International Journal of Computer Science and Security
International Journal of Computer Science and Network
International Journal of Computer Science and Management Studies (IJCSMS)
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies (IJCSIT)
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security
International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering Survey (IJCSES)
International Journal of Computer Science and Communication Networks (IJCSCN)
International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology (IJCSIT)
International Journal on Computer Science and Technology (IJCST)
ISRN Software Engineering
ISRN Machine Vision
International Magazine on Advances in Computer Science and Telecommunications (IMACST)
International Journal on Soft Computing (IJSC)
International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE)
International journal of VLSI design & Communication Systems
International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering (TM)
International Journal of Signal Processing, Image
International Journal of Security
International Journal of Reviews in Computing
International Journal of Research and Innovation in Computer Engineering (IJRICE)
International Journal of Next-Generation Networks (IJNGN)
International Journal of Networking and Computing
International Journal of Network Security
International Journal of Modern Education and Computer Science (IJMECS)
International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science (IJITCS)
GSA Open Access Journal Content
Abstract And Applied Analysis
Acta Mathematica
Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae
Advances In Decision Sciences
Advances In Pure Mathematics
Albanian Journal Of Mathematics (ISSN 1930-1235)
American Journal Of Computational Mathematics
Annals Of Functional Analysis
Australian And New Zealand Industrial And Applied Mathematics Journal
Bull. Aust. Math. Soc. — Submission And Review System
J. Austral. Math. Soc.- Submission And Review System
Applied Computational Intelligence And Soft Computing
Applied Mathematical Sciences
Applied Mathematics
Applied Mathematics E-Notes
Applied Sciences
Armenian Journal of Mathematics
International Journal Of Contemporary Mathematical Sciences
International Journal Of Mathematical Analysis
International Journal Of Mathematics And Mathematical Sciences
Hiroshima Mathematical Journal
Homology, Homotopy And Applications
IAENG International Journal Of Applied Mathematics
Integers: Electronic Journal Of Combinatorial Number Theory
International Electronic Journal Of Mathematics Education (IEJME)
International Journal For Mathematics Teaching And Learning
International Journal Of Algebra
International Journal Of Combinatorics
International Journal Of Mathematics And Soft Computing
Forum Geometricorum
Electronic Research Announcements In Mathematical Sciences
Electronic Transactions On Numerical Analysis
Esaim: Proceedings
Fixed Point Theory And Applications
Formalized Mathematics
Electronic Journal Of Probability
Electronic Journal Of Qualitative Theory Of Differential Equations
Electronic Research Announcements In Mathematical Sciences
The Electronic Journal Of Linear Algebra
Contributions To Discrete Mathematics
Divulgaciones Matematicas
Documenta Mathematica
Dolomites Research Notes On Approximation
Electronic Journal Of Combinatorics
Electronic Journal Of Differential Equations (Ejde)
Differential Geometry - Dynamical Systems
Communications In Numerical Analysis
Computational & Applied Mathematics
E-Journals from Directory of Open Journals
Electronic Library of Mathematics
Cornell University Digital Library
Wiki Books: Mathematics Shelf
Historical Math Monographs from Cornell University Library
Mathematics Bookshelf from Project Gutenberg
Advances in Physical Chemistry
American Chemical Science Journal
American Journal of Analytical Chemistry
American Journal of Applied Sciences
Analytical Chemistry Insights
Analytical Sciences
ARKIVOC - Online Journal of Organic Chemistry
Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry (BJOC)
Bioinorganic Chemistry and Applications
Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry
Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
Chemistry Education Research and Practice
Facta Universitatis - Series: Physics, Chemistry, and Technology
Green and Sustainable Chemistry
International Journal of Analytical Chemistry
International Journal of Carbohydrate Chemistry
International Journal of Chemistry
International Journal of Inorganic Chemistry
International Journal of Organic Chemistry
International Research Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry
ISRN Organic Chemistry
ISRN Analytical Chemistry
ISRN Physical Chemistry
ISRN Polymer Science
Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry
Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research
Journal Chemistry
Journal of Electrochemical Science and Engineering (jESE)
Journal of Nuclear and Radiochemical Sciences
Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society
Journal of the Chilean Chemical Society
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society
Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society
Macedonian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
The Open Analytical Chemistry Journal
The Open Colloid Science Journal
The Open Electrochemistry Journal
The Open Inorganic Chemistry Journal
Open Journal of Inorganic Chemistry
Open Journal of Physical Chemistry
Records of Natural Products
International Journal of Inorganic Chemistry
Organic Chemistry International
Advances in Physical Chemistry
Ukrainica Bioorganica Acta
Turkish Journal of Chemistry
The Periodic Table on Web
International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry Nomenclature
Yahoo Chemistry
Link for Chemist - WWW Virtual Library from University of Liverpool
Chemistry Web Resources contents page
African Invertebrates
BMC Biology
BMC Evolutionary Biology
BMC Systems Biology
Cell Reports
Check List
Contributions to Zoology
Ecology and Evolution
Genome Biology
International Journal of Biological Sciences
Israel Journal of Entomology
Molecular Systems Biology
Nature Communications
Open Biology
Open Life Sciences
PLOS Biology
PLOS Computational Biology
PLOS Genetics
Royal Society Open Science
Scientific Reports
Aging Cell
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